Monday, September 20, 2010

Mostly wordless

I always have a lot to say..always. No matter what the subject is I usually have a lot to say about it. It's my thing...I babble. It's just part of who I am...I spew words...lots and lots of words. So being that I am a big fan of the babble it should surprise noone that I journal on all my layouts. I feel compelled to. I have to tell who's doing what and why and what I thought and what they thought, etc., etc., etc. After all I scrapbook so I can tell a story and I can't tell the story if I don't tell the story...right? So considering all that it is really unusual for me not to journal on a layout....even more unusual for me to do two layouts in a row that are sans words...but that is just what I did..back to back wordless layouts. They aren't completely wordless.....I did add a title...and of course a date..and on one I did write 4 words saying when it was...but that was it. No she did this, he did that, she liked this but I didn't...blah..blah....blah. I guess I figured the photos in these layouts were much pretty much self explanatory...not much need for me to elaborate. Gotta say it's really bizarre for me to look at these layouts and call them done without a litany of words...but done they are. So without further's my mostly wordless layouts...

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