Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Clean at last, well mostly clean

I honestly don't want to sound like I'm complaining cause I'm so not but I can't believe how much new scrap stuff I just had to put away!! Seriously straight up a ton of stuff! I had all the stuff I bought from my shopping spree prior to the I had an awesome pack of goodies that I got from my buddy I had all the goodies from my goody bag from the the raffle prizes I I had placed an order online and I had to put that away too!! Seriously a huge stack of stuff! On top of all the new stuff I had to unpack my crop bags from the crop and deal with all the leftover stuff from the crop goody bags and the like. With all that stuff my room looked like someone dumped the contents of a scrapstore in there! So not typical for my room to look that disastorous but after the crop I was just too tired to deal and the last 2 days were ridunkulously hot so no way I wanted to spend any time putting stuff away. So tonight the weather was much nicer and I was feeling properly rested from the big weekend so I decided it would be a good night to tackle the gargantuan mess. It took a couple hours..but part of that time was spent multitasking...I was texting with one friend...another stopped by...then my sister stopped by...then I had to break to see the results on AGT ...but even with all the interuptions I managed to get almost all of it put away. Now i have just one pile left on my desk but I think I'll deal with that manana...there are some fresh baked brownies calling my name...time for another break.

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